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Why study in UK

Internationally recognised and respected qualifications

A UK qualification is recognised and respected globally. There are over 450,000 international students from all corners of the world studying in the UK. These ambassadors of UK education return to their countries upon graduation and move on to successful careers. UK graduates are also in high demand from major corporates globally.

Stringent quality standards for UK programmers

Quality standards for UK programmes are among the highest in the world. The quality is assured by government supported agencies and stringent assessment mechanisms. The rigorous internal and external quality assurance systems in place lead to published ratings and reports which are available though the Quality Assurance Agency website (www.qaa.ac.uk).

UK alumni among the global leaders

The UK education system has attracted many international students who have gone on to become global financial leaders, leading politicians and thinkers who have had an important influence on the world. These include Bill Clinton, Desmond Tutu, Imran Khan, Deng Yaping, Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Manmohan Singh.

Diverse range of courses

There are thousands of courses covering hundreds of subjects in many different combinations and so students will be able to find exactly what they require. The diverse range of courses is also matched by the wide range of institutions that give students a varied choice to find the most suitable study environment for them.

Forefront of scientific and creative innovation

The UK has a long tradition as a leader in scientific and creative innovation and has been the recipient of the second highest number of Nobel Prizes in the world. Students coming to study scientific and technical subjects in the UK will benefit from learning alongside some of the world’s top intellectual achievers.

Develop skills to meet requirements of global economy

The UK learning experience allows students independent thought, encourages proactive problem-solving skills, enables development of intellectual skills and empowers creative and effective thinking. These skills are recognised by employers as the qualities needed to meet the requirements of the global economy and to succeed in a competitive job market.

Intensive shorter tertiary education

The distinct advantage that the UK education system has is the fact that the duration of most of the undergraduate honours degrees is 3 years and the taught Masters courses is 1-2 years. Due to the shorter duration students will be able to save on both tuition fees and living costs and also get a head start on working life as they will graduate earlier.

International students support

The UK has been welcoming international students from over 100 countries for generations. It has one of the world’s lowest drop-out rates due to a comprehensive support system in place for international students. This includes a dedicated international office, international student societies, planned social activities, academic support and a personal tutor.

Gateway to Europe

The UK is an ideal base from which students can explore the rest of Europe. The excellent road, rail and air links allow inexpensive and hassle-free travel. The International Student Identity Card allows students to benefit from special discounted rates while sightseeing. Travel to Europe will also give them the opportunity to learn about different cultures and lifestyles.

Study in UK

UK is the home of some of the world’s top research facilities and academic institutions.

Imagine learning in supportive academic environments where professors are approachable and classrooms reflect the cultural diversity of land.

Imagine entering the workforce with qualifications that are recognized and respected the world over.

This is what it means to study in UK!

Start your Education in UK with valuable information on everything you need to know about studying abroad in UK, from study permits and temporary resident visas and how much it costs, to finding a program and what student life in UK is really all about!

Some important Links are :

Requirements To Study In UK

  • There are many different entry requirements depending on your chosen type of UK study. The great thing about studying in the UK is that even if you don’t meet the requirements for one course, you can choose another at a different level and work your way up. The UK offers a range of study options to suit international students at all levels.

Improving your English language skills

  • You will need a good understanding of English before you can study at most further and higher education institutions in the UK. Studying an English language course in the UK, such as English for academic purposes (EAP) or a pre-sessional course, will prepare you for further study.
  • Another option is to take an English test such as IELTS in your home country before you come to the UK. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the world’s leading English test of its kind, testing the four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Over 1,000 UK institutions recognise IELTS and the test is available in over 125 different countries.
  • You could also take the Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic), which is administered online at Pearson testing centres. The test is recognised by more than 100 institutions in the UK and accurately measures the English language listening, reading, speaking and writing abilities of non-native speakers.

Entry requirements for UK undergraduate study

The qualifications you need depend on the course you want to study. You should have completed at least 13 years of education in your own country or in the UK, and have taken pre-university qualifications equivalent to UK A-levels, Scottish Highers or National Diplomas.

If you haven’t got these qualifications yet don’t worry – you can still study in the UK.

Qualifications required :


Qualifications equivalent to one or two UK A-levels, two Scottish Highers or a Higher National Certificate or BTEC National Diploma; or an international foundation year. Plus IELTS 5.5-6.0

Foundation Degree

Qualifications equivalent to one or two UK A-levels, one or two Scottish Highers or a National Diploma; or an international foundation year. Plus IELTS 5.5-6.0

Diploma of Higher Education

Qualifications equivalent to one or two UK A-levels, two or three Scottish Highers or a National Diploma; or an international foundation year. Plus IELTS 5.5-6.0


Qualifications equivalent to two or three UK A-levels, three or four Scottish Highers, a Higher National Certificate or Diploma, or BTEC National Diploma; or an international foundation year. Plus IELTS 6.0-6.5

Entry requirements for postgraduate or MBA study

To begin a postgraduate course in the UK, you’ll need to hold an undergraduate degree from the UK or overseas. You’ll be expected to have obtained a first or good 2:1 (or international equivalent) in a directly related subject and you’ll need to speak English to at least IELTS 6.5 level for most courses.

Qualifications required :


Undergraduate degree plus IELTS 5.0-5.5

PG Cert/PG Dip

Undergraduate degree plus IELTS 6.5-7.0, or a pre-master’s course

Master’s degree

First or upper second class undergraduate degree plus IELTS 7.0, or a pre-master’s course


First degree, 2-3 years’ business experience, plus IELTS 6.5-7.0


Master’s degree, plus IELTS 6.5-7.0

Entry requirements for UK independent schools

To apply to a UK independent school, you’ll need to have a good standard of education from your own country. You won’t be expected to have passed formal qualifications, but may be asked to sit the school’s own entrance exam in subjects such as English and maths.

Some schools may ask students to sit entrance exams in English and maths. The common entrance exam is also used by many schools for students who enter at the age of 13.

Entry requirements for career-based and pre-university study

The qualifications you’ll need will depend on the course you want to study. Some qualifications (such as A-levels Scottish Highers and and BTEC National Diplomas) are below university level and lead directly on to higher education. Others (such as HNDs and foundation degrees) are university-level qualifications that enable you to join a degree course in the second or third year.

Qualifications required :

BTEC National Diploma

Good general high school education equivalent to four GCSEs grades A –C, plus IELTS 4.5-5.0


Good general high school education equivalent to five GCSEs grades A –C, plus IELTS 4.5-5.0

Scottish Highers/Advanced Highers

Good general high school equivalent to six Standard Grade qualifications grades 1-3, plus IELTS 4.5-5.0

International Foundation Year

Twelve years of school education or equivalent in your own country, plus IELTS 4.5-5.0


Qualifications equivalent to one or two UK A-levels, two or three Scottish Highers or a BTEC National Diploma or an international foundation year, plus IELTS 5.5-6.0

Foundation Degree

Qualifications equivalent to one or two UK A-levels, two or three Scottish Highers or a BTEC National Diploma or an international foundation year, plus IELTS 5.5-6.0

Living In UK

There are also some initial costs that will whittle your wallet down fairly quickly if you don’t plan accordingly, especially when it comes to setting up longer-term accommodation. Generally you should budget for the following :

Accommodation when you arrive :

If you haven’t already organised accommodation for when you first arrive make sure you have enough money for hostel or hotel accommodation (from £11 upwards per night) or to give to mates who let you doss.

Bond and first month’s rent :

This will be your most significant outlay. When leasing a flat or room in a flat-share bond can be up to 6 weeks rent and on top of that you will probably have to pay up to a month’s rent in advance. This could be as much as £1000 depending on the price of your rent.

Transport :

Flat and job hunting can take a lot of trekking across the city on Tubes and buses. Make sure you have some cash for public transport or to purchase an Oyster card, see Getting around the UK.

Mobile phone :

If you’ve brought your mobile phone from home you still may need to buy a SIM card or pay to have your phone ‘unlocked’ from your previous carrier. Avoid phone contracts if possible and opt for pre-pay calling. Be sure to put aside some cash to buy pre-paid top-ups; not being able to call back a potential employer because you have no credit is not a good look!

Internet access :

You’ll probably be using the Internet for job hunting, searching for accommodation and making PC to Phone calls for staying in touch with family and friends back home. Internet cafes charge from £1 an hour, but allow plenty of cash for this as you’d be surprised how many hours you can rack up in these places.

Clothing :

Hopefully you packed suitable clothes for the season you’re arriving in the UK and if you found room in your suitcase or backpack, suitable clothing for job interviews in your line of work. But, if sneakers won out over suits, make sure you have some pounds in your budget for interview and work-wear.

Eating and drinking :

Your first few weeks are sure to be a blur of eating, drinking and socialising. Eating out in London isn’t cheap so try not to have breakfast, lunch and dinner (and those crisps with your pint) while out and about as it will be more economical to buy groceries and prepare your own meals.

There are of course ways of saving your hard earned pounds as a working traveller (you say frugal, we say sensible!) for more important things like skiing in the Swiss Alps and living it up in Ibiza.

Here are some cost-saving strategies :

Utilise your student or youth travel card :

You are entitled to many discounts if you have a student or International youth travel card. This includes discounted entry to museums, cinemas and clubs. There are also special deals and discounts associated with Oyster cards (see Getting around the UK), so keep it handy at all times. Remember, a pound saved on a movie ticket is a pound towards another pint!

Buy from Charity Shops :

Walk down any High Street in London and you’ll be hard pressed not to see at least a handful of Charity Shops (op shops, or second hand shops). Make these your first port of call for any crockery, utensils or home wares for your pad. Most stock decent clothing and shoes too, so if you don’t have a suit for that all important job interview, you can pick up a bargain.

Keep your eyes peeled for specials :

At home you may have cringed when your mate whipped out a ‘buy one get one free’ voucher, but when you’ve only a few pounds left in your wallet you’ll be cheering for specials. Check the back of your cinema ticket for discounts at nearby restaurants, take advantage of early-bird dining offers at restaurants you normally wouldn’t be able to afford and make note of happy hour times at every pub you pass.

Leave things till the last minute :

If you’re working casually and can pack your bags at a moment’s notice there are some great last minute travel deals to be had.

Book ahead of time :

In slight contradiction to the above point, you can also save loads of dosh by booking your travels well in advance! If you know the best time for you to take off work or when your mates are free to travel, book your flights/trains and accommodation early, this is often when you will get the biggest bargains.

Watch out for swaps and freebies :

The only thing better than something cheap is something for free! There are some kind souls in London who give away stuff they no longer need to struggling working travellers, you just need to be able to go and pick it up. From mattresses and couches to computers and tellies, there’s plenty up for grabs.

Join the local library :

Once you’re settled in a suburb one of the first things you should do is join your local library. Many have free computers and Internet access and cheap (£1 – £3) CDs and DVDs for hire, not to mention guide books to borrow for all of your adventures abroad!

You can of course save even more money by living outside of London, as the cost of accommodation and day to day living expenses are significantly lower than the capital. Keep in mind though that your UK earnings may be lower (or higher depending on your line of work) and some people may find the lifestyle and travel options can be less vibrant and varied than central London. Of course, it’s each working traveller’s personal preference where they want to base themselves for what will be the adventure of a lifetime no matter what!

To gain a better understanding of just how far your pounds will go when you’re in the UK and when you get home (if you’ve been lucky enough to save some along the way) check out the OECD Purchasing Power Parities. Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) are basically a rate of currency conversion that equalise the purchasing power of different currencies by eliminating the differences in price levels between countries. The simplest way of working out your own PPP is to compare two identical products in two different country’s currency (the most common products used to calculate PPPs are Big Macs and Coca Cola, basically because you can get them everywhere) and then see how much you would have to spend to obtain the same quantity of the product. So have a look to see how many burgers your savings will allow, although we hope you’ll be slightly more adventurous on the food front while you’re a working traveller in the UK!

Courses In UK

The British education system has a worldwide reputation for excellence. Students educated in UK can be confident that their qualifications will be respected throughout their lives.

International Students may enter British universities through three different routes.

International Foundation Course

A Levels

Advanced vocational diplomas (GNVQ/BTEC)

Subjects Choices

Art & Design, Construction, Business, Computing, Engineering, Fashion, Hospitality & Catering and Sports Studies Textiles etc.


1-2 years

Tuition fees

4300 Pounds to 4800 Pounds Per year

Higher Education

Higher National Diploma (HND) or Degree (BA or BSc)


Art & Humanities, Business, Hospitality Management, Information Technology, Engineering, Sports Science etc.


2-4 years

Tuition fees

6000 Pounds to 9445 Pounds Per year
This guide is intended as a general guide only and the information it contains may change. Check that the information is correct by calling the office of V POINT VISA CONSULTANT .

Institutes In UK
  • City University Of London
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Glasgow Caledonian University, London
  • INTO London World Education Center
  • INTO Manchester
  • INTO Manchester in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University
  • INTO Manchester in partnership with University of Manchester
  • Newcastle University
  • Newcastle University London
  • INTO Newton A Level Programme
  • Queens University, Belfast
  • University of East Anglia
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Gloucestershire
  • University of Sterling
Cambridge Group
  • Cats College – Cambridge School of Visual and Performing Arts ( Cambridge Group).
  • Stafford House international ( Cambridge Group).
  • ONCAMPUS Coventry leading to Coventry University
  • ONCAMPUS London South Bank University leading to London South Bank University
  • ONCAMPUS UK North (UCLAN) Leading to UCLAN (University of Central Lancashire) and other Northern Universities
  • ONCAMPUS Hull leading to University of Hull
  • ONCAMPUS Reading leading to University of Reading
  • ONCAMPUS Sunderland leading to University of Sunderland
  • ONCAMPUS London (Birkbeck university of London) leading to Birkbeck University of London – ONE TO MANY TRANSFER – Preferred Partners Royal Holloway university of London, Queen Mary university of London, Goldsmiths university of London, Royal veterinary college, the Courtauld Institute of Art.

If you are planning to study at a UK University, you must have come across the ‘Statement of Purpose’ or ‘Personal Statement’ as an essential requirement for your university application. And now even after scrolling through series of web pages on sample statements of purpose, you are still clueless about what to include in this statement, then you are at the right page as these guidelines will surely help you get your ‘Statement of Purpose’ sorted!

Did you know the Importance of an SOP?

A Statement of Purpose is your chance to create an impression!

As the name suggests, Statement of Purpose gives you an opportunity to state your purpose and goals before the admission committee. Through this statement, you can reach out to the admission committee and impress them with your experiences, skills or hidden talents, which might not be reflected from your mark sheets or transcripts. In fact, an impressive statement of purpose can make your application stand out even if you have average scores. On the other hand, an application with an excellent academic record and a thoughtlessly written or weak personal statement might receive a rejection. So, it is immensely important that you make the most of this statement by showcasing your ambition, knowledge, skills, achievements and most importantly your motivation for the intended course.

Brainstorm First!

Brainstorming is the first thing you should do when you set out to write your Personal Statement. There could be many experiences in your life but you should include only those experiences which are worth sharing. So, before writing the actual statement, you should pen down all your important experiences, achievements and activities. Then, you can select those which are directly connected with the intended course. You can also include some of your attributes which make you unique and give you an edge over others. Jotting down these ideas will also help you in deciding the way you want to highlight these points.

Mind the Word Limits

Some universities provide specific guidelines when it comes to the word limit. So, it is important to check for any such specifications. Even the online Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) undergraduate application form has specified a limit of a maximum of 47 lines or 4000 characters long (whichever comes first). So, you are required to draft your statement carefully keeping in mind the word limit.

In case, the word limit is not specified, your statement should be around 1000- 1200 words as a crisp and precise statement tends to be more appealing for the admission committee which is bound to read thousands of applications.

Grab the attention from the beginning

There could be many ways to write an opening paragraph of the SOP. However, a winning statement is the one which manages to grab the reader’s attention and keep them hooked until the end. You can simply start with your motivation for the course but giving a creative start with experience or anecdote related to the course can be a great way of keeping the reader interested in your life’s purpose.

Include only the relevant

In an effort to impress the admission committee, you might want to include everything about you. But remember, Statement of Purpose is not a Resume. The main purpose of this statement is to highlight your motivation for the course and your related goals. So, use this statement to highlight only the important aspects of your life which can bring out your individuality along with justifying your enthusiasm for the program. Your statement of purpose can include:

  • Your motivation for the course including how you got inclined towards the field.
  • Your career goals, both short term and long term. If you have not decided on your goals yet, start thinking about them as focused people are appreciated.
  • Your academic profile including subjects you studied and projects, workshops or seminars undertaken.
  • Your work experience in the field of study or other skills acquired through certifications.
  • Your interests are other than academics like sports, cultural activities, or volunteering, you can use these activities to show other aspects of your personality.
  • Your academic or professional accomplishments.
  • Your interest in the subject and how this degree will help you achieve your goals.
Prove your Credibility

It is important that you prove your worth to the admission committee by providing examples and sharing experiences from your life that will in turn vouch for your skills and attributes. Claiming that you are a great leader may sound unrealistic to the admission committee if you don’t share an experience where you excelled in leadership skills. So, giving evidence for the interest in the subject or the traits mentioned in the statement of purpose goes a long way in affirming your claim of being a worthy candidate to the university.

Show your preference for the UK and the chosen University

You should devote a paragraph highlighting your reason for choosing the UK as a preferred destination. Also, you should research about the university you are applying to and mention the features which make it an apt university to pursue your education. The way you will show your interest in the university will help you validate that you are serious about your career aspirations and the university is the right platform for you to realize your goals.

Say No to plagiarism

Copying some else’s work is something you should completely avoid. Universities use plagiarism checking tools to check for the originality of the ideas. In case, a statement of purpose is being copied, the application will be rejected. So, be original in your ideas and writing. Remember that more than your writing ability, the admission committee will judge you on the basis of your skills, experiences and inclination towards the program.

Proofread your work

It is always better to proofread the statement for grammatical or sentence-level errors. You can even get the help of your family members, friends or seniors who can check the statement for any errors or even give suggestions to improve your drafts. Having a couple of redrafts before the final statement can lead to a more satisfactory outcome.

The majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even more slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text all the generators on the Internet.

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