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May 25, 2022

Rankings of the Queensland University of Technology

Queensland University of Technology is one of the younger universities in Australia and home to nearly 52,511 students that stands to deliver a global outlook to students. The university rose to a world position of 217 in the 2020 QS Top universities ranking and it further enhanced its position to 213 in the latest edition of 2022, making it an apt choice to study in Australia. The Times Higher Education young university ranking list is responsible for ranking young universities under 50. In the 2020 edition, Queensland University of Technology found itself securing the zenith in the category of Australia’s top universities under 50. A similar survey by QS Top universities ranked the institute #19 in the category of top 50 under 50 global universities 2020 edition.

Queensland University Of Technology Ranking Highlights

  • According to U.S News, the institute is
    • Ranked 197 in best global universities.
    • Ranked 11 in best global universities in Australia.
  • Queensland University of Technology is ranked 241 globally in the 2020 edition, CWUR Ranking.
  • Secured 213th position as per QS Top universities ranking 2022.
  • According to Times for higher education, Queensland University of Technology is ranked 186 globally in the 2021 edition and 14 in the young university ranking 2020.
  • Ranked 196 globally and 9th in Australia according to EduRank

Queensland University of Technology World Rankings

In this segment we will discuss where the Queensland University of Technology stands on the global front and in the higher education system in Australia. There are multiple recognized sources through which the data can be obtained.

Source Global Latest Rankings
Times For Higher Education 186
US News 197
QS Top Universities 217

Queensland University of Technology World Ranking by THE

  • In 2020, Queensland University of Technology was ranked 14 in the times for higher education young university rankings making it the highest ranked university in Australia.
  • In 2021, Times for higher education placed the university 186 globally which is 7 rank higher than the 2020 edition. The university has done really well in the last 2 years considering for the first time in 9 years it broke into the top 200 club.

Global Ranking for the university since 2012- Times For Higher Education is as mentioned below:

Year Rank
2012 276-300
2013 251-275
2014 276-300
2015 276-300
2016 251-300
2017 201-250
2018 201-250
2019 201-250
2020 179
2021 186

Queensland University of Technology World Ranking by QS

According to QS Top universities, Queensland University of Technology, Australia is ranked 213 globally in 2022. The university has improved its rank by a total of four from the previous year.

Past Year International Rank Of Queensland University Of Technology, Australia- Qs Top Universities

Year Rank
2012 281
2014 279
2015 285
2016 263
2017 276
2018 247
2019 244
2020 224
2021 217
2022 213

From the table, it’s quite evident that the global ranking of Queensland University of Technology, Australia has improved manifolds in the past several years.

It’s imperative to understand the backend process behind the calculation of these rankings. There are many factors that are taken into account in order to come to a definite number through which we determine where exactly the university stands in the global front.

Every single criterion is given a particular score (out of 100), table below gives a clear picture of the different criteria used to determine the ranking of Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

Criteria Ranking
Academic reputation 43.2
Employer reputation 45.6
Faculty student 8.7
Citations per faculty 48.5
International faculty 97.8
International students 41.8
Overall score 40.5

Queensland University of Technology National Rankings

Nationally, Queensland University of Technology stands at a pretty respectable position with multiple reliable websites putting it in top 20 regarded universities in Australia.

Source Ranking
U.S News 11
EDU Rankings 9
CWTS Leiden ranking 12

Queensland University of Technology, Australia is country’s top young university (under 50 years old)

Queensland University of Technology Subject-wise Rankings

After going through where Queensland University of Technology stands on the global and national front, let’s discuss where the various subjects/courses offered by the university stand in the global front.

Queensland University of Technology, Australia offers hundreds of graduate and post graduate options that provide intensive research programs.

Queensland University of Technology Subject Ranking by US News

Subject Rank
Material science 139
Clinical medicine 232
Computer medicine 169
Engineering 199
Energy and fuels 181
Physics 616
Economics and business 122
Nanoscience/ Nanotechnology 133
Oncology 209

According to QS Top universities, Queensland University of Technology, Australia stands in the range of 51-100 in the engineering-civil and structural subject. The university has done exceptionally well in communication and media studies with a worldwide rank of 17.

Queensland university of Technology, Australia secured a global rank in the range of 101-150 in Accounting and finance and business and management studies.

Queensland University of Technology Miscellaneous Rankings

There are some other rankings too that are needed to be highlighted in order to get a different ranking perspective for Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

  • According to times for higher education, Queensland University of Technology is ranked 70th in impact rankings 2020.
  • Queensland University of Technology, Australia is ranked in the range of 101-110 in graduate employability category according to QS Top universities
    • University’s graduate employability over the past 4 years
Year Graduate Employability Ranking
2017 61-70
2018 111-120
2019 101-110
2020 101-110
  • Some important rankings according to U.S News
    • International collaboration – 447
    • Regional research reputation-11
    • Global research reputation-270
    • Publications- 289
    • Books-55
    • Conferences-359
  • Ranked 1st in Australia in media and communication-QS Top universities.
  • Queensland University of Technology, Australia MBA is ranked #1 in Queensland and #3 nationally by Australian Financial Review BOSS EMBA ranking in 2019.

Queensland University of Technology can easily be argued as being in the top 2 percent of the universities in the world as according to the recent rankings cemented its place in the top 220 global universities of the world.

According to multiple sources like US news, THE and QS Top universities, Queensland University of Technology, Australia not only finds itself in a respectable position in the world ranking with a great improvement from the previous year but also in a more than a decent position at the national front.

The university certainly finds itself in the cream of the crop when it comes to national rankings. According to U.S News, the university is ranked 11 in Australia and 12 in Australia/New Zealand region and is a coveted cochise when seeking to study abroad.

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